Be The Hero

When I taught AP Literature, we studied literary heroes, read epic poems, and discussed heroic and not-so-heroic characters. I was talking with a friend, and the subject of heroes came up. I shared that I sure wish God would bring a hero who could step into my wonky world and fill in some of the missing pieces. Although, mostly, I long for a hero for my heart. 

In literature, just like in life, there are different kinds of heroes. I was thinking of three types: iconic, epic, and reluctant. 

The iconic heroes face challenges but stay the same throughout the story. They don’t need to improve because they already are what they need to be and what we expect them to be. Instantly, Jesus comes to mind. Perfect from the start. No need to change…in fact, He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. (Hebrews 13:8). He is the true Hero of every story, including mine.

The epic heroes’ adventures are full of challenges and near-death experiences, but they learn something, gain strength, acquire new skills, and return home better for the experience. Epic heroes are born for greatness, and their journey enables them to enter their destiny. When I think of epic heroes, I think of Christians on a journey to become better…to become holy. 

And then there are the reluctant heroes who aren’t on the journey to get fame, fortune, or personal gain. They aren’t perfect, but they know it’s the right thing to do and needs to be done. Those reluctant heroes make me think of myself on any given day. I am doing what I need to do, but I am not necessarily thrilled about it. 

Sometimes, this girl’s hero journey (if it can be called that) is not at all ideal and absolutely not what I’d choose…not at all.

But recently, someone challenged me to be the hero of my own journey. 

For someone who has for quite a few years hoped, wished, begged, and longed for a hero to step in and improve things, this idea is radical. Can I really be my own hero? Can I really look to the strength God has given me rather than the strength of someone else?

It has a ring that I like…something empowering and beautiful. Something that makes me feel hopeful and a little bit excited.

For the longest time, my vision for life has included a partner…it is an altogether different thing to consider what my life will look like if God never provides a partner. What would my good and beautiful life be like with Jesus and just me? 

Immediately some things come to mind. And they are not all good. But all those ideas that come to mind are circumstance-oriented, not what I think really being a hero right now means for me. Sometimes, the ideal single-me situation is hard to imagine because, even if I haven’t had a partner, I’ve had people with me so much of my life.

Preparation is required for this hero’s journey. I have some changes to make to become the hero of my story:

1. Accept the journey I’m on…stop trying to change things just to make things feel better.

2. Trust that God will lead me…His pace is perfect to reach the destination He has already prepared for me.

3. Equip myself with the Word of God. Fill my head with His truths rather than mine.

I’ve come to realize that my “truths” are often lies. 

4. Find my security in Him, not my circumstances. This is not a mind-over-matter exercise but rather a pattern of thinking and believing that I can trust God no matter what.

Praying fervently, frequently, and faithfully. 

5. Rest where I am. I choose to believe I’m right where I should be because God is sovereign and good. 

6. Acknowledge and live the truth that my true Hero is Jesus. The One who can make my life meaningful, 

hopeful, peaceful, and joyful is Jesus. Without Him, I’m spinning wheels or plates or brain cells.

Being my story’s hero means I don’t look for others to fix my life. I don’t place my hope in anyone stepping into my world and “fixing” things. Instead, I trust that God and I can do it together. I place all hope for my future in Jesus, the author and perfector of my faith, who is my true Rescuer and Hero.

P.S. I’m not giving up hope for the blessing of a partner in life. I’m still praying, hoping, and trusting that God will bless me with a godly man who will grow closer to Christ (and old) with me! But trusting God means that I’m leaving it all up to Him…His timing, His way, His man. I believe that if that is not His will for my life, He will be exactly what I need.

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